Mr. Wu's GLOs in action in the classroom.
Self Directed Learner
In our Stats/Prob class, students are working on NearPod using their laptops everyday.
Community Contributor
Students show genuine respect and caring for individuals as well as groups during our Fun Friday group activities.
Complex Thinker
Students reflect on their learning and how it relates to real-life during our WorkMath Wednesday activities.
Quality Producer
All students receive real-time feedback when we work on NearPod collaborative activities. Students see others' mistakes and make use of the feedback in their learning.
Effective Communicator
Students ensure that all voices are heard in the discussion. We use NearPod's Collaborative Board to present all of the student's thoughts and feelings for SEL.
Effective and Ethical User of Technology
Students are using NearPod technology to appropriately and participating in selecting and adapting materials for learning Statistics and Probability.