Purchasing School Meals
Manage your meal payments here! Also, applying for Free and Reduced Lunch is just a click away!
Baldwin High School's families are encouraged to create an account on EZSCHOOLPAY.COM for online meal payments. School meals are served at breakfast and lunch every school day. Please check the balance in your student’s account periodically to make sure he/she has sufficient funds. The menu will be posted in the weekly Bear News and on the BHS website. Please call the front office at 727-3200 if you have questions.
Baldwin High School's families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced lunch at EZMEALAPP.COM. Free or reduced lunch status for students is not just for eating meals at a lower cost -- it also provides 2 SAT exams for FREE; 2 ACT exams for FREE, PSAT/NMSQT fee reduction, AP exam fee reduction, college application fee waivers (FREE - usually between $30-$100 per school), and more. When you complete this application, you also help BHS acquire FREE federal money through the Title I program which funds educational programs and much more! Please call the front office at 727-3200 if you have questions.