Photos & Videos
PBS Hawaiʻi - Hiki Nō Digital Premier
Senior, Laulea Kalehuawehe's story, with help from senior, Jayden Torres-Leeber on our very own auto teacher, Alexis Kahue premiered on Hiki Nō.
Click on the descriptions below to see more of what some of our CTE Programs are doing here at Baldwin.
→ 2024 Hawaiʻi State CTSOʻs
2024 Hawaiʻi State CTSOʻs
Baldwin High School CTE students competed against other schools from all over the state in the DECA, FCCLA, HOSA, and Skills USA CTSOʻs on Oahu at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center from Jan 30-31.

Jhenie Mae Yuroʻs team won first place in the HOSA Public Service Announcement competition.

Trisha Sonido and Trisha Robinol received a Bronze Medal for the Sustainability Project

FCCLA Conference Delegates: (L-R bottom row) Sofia Kloft-Hibbard, Jobel Marcos, Ariel Dela Cruz, Lavine Daguio, Ginelle Bautista, (L-R top row) Jamaica Derige, Heather Soberano, Trisha Robinol, Trisha Sonido, Rylie-Evin Riglos

Jobel Marcos and Ginelle Dela Cruz Bautista won gold medals for the Repurpose and Redesign Project.

Rylie Riglos & Heather Soberano won the Silver Medal in Food Innovations.

Ariel Dela Cruz, Lavine Daguio, Sofia Kloft Hibbard won silver medals for the Public Policy Advocate.

Jamaica Derige received a silver in the Culinary competition at the FCCLA Culinary competition.

Penelope Tupou posing next to the frame she was working on at the Building & Construction competition.

Penelope Tupou listens to instructions from the foreman before the build at the CTSO conference for Building & Construction

Penelope working on her build at the CTSO Building and Construction competition.

(L-R) Jade Brown, Sophie Maeda, Zoee Toda, Olivia Tom, Maya Wong, and Hailey Wakamatsu at DECA the student conference

Maya Wong and Zoee Toda during their Role Play competition.

Mr Toda and his daughter, Zoee Toda take some time for a pic in-between sessions.
→ We Grow Hawaiʻi - A Youth Food Summit
We Grow Hawaiʻi - A Youth Food Summit

→ Mrs. Roy won the 2023-2024 Czechowicz Award presented by MEDB STEMworks!
The Czechowicz Award was created by two former teachers Lesley & Pawel Czechowicz in honor of their mothers. The cash awards aim to recognize exceptional educators in Maui Nui, whose dedication and passion have enriched the lives of countless students. They partner with Maui Economic Development Board’s STEMworks Education to workforce programs and recognize a deserving teacher. This year's award went to our very own CTE Film and Media Production teacher Mrs. Roy! She’s been a dedicated STEMWORKS facilitator for over a decade and has successfully encouraged many students to enter the STEM field.
→ 2nd Annual Imu Workshop - Natural Resource Management

Our NR Mgmt program of study just completed another successful traditional Hawaiian cooking imu workshop at Baldwin High School.
Mahalo to the many wonderful and supportive teachers, staff, and administration at Baldwin High School who helped to make the Baldwin High School Agricultural Program and Aloha ʻĀina Club Imu Workshop a success.
We had over 250 students participate in hands-on Hawaiian cultural place-based education and learning about traditional Hawaiian cooking.
In addition to learning about Hawaiian cooking and agriculture, the students harvested fresh vegetables from the B.H.S. Ag Program's school farm and cooked them in a traditional Hawaiian imu on campus.
Huge Mahalo to Kumu Ikaika Nakahashi for planning, organizing, teaching, and leading our imu again this semester. Without your guidance, this would not be possible.
Mahalo to Terry Kahea Miller for your hard work and support and for donating out of your own pocket for supplies and ingredients. We appreciated your providing a delicious dinner to the evening imu crew.
Mahalo to Taape Hoku Laloulu for your hard work and support, especially for providing overnight security. Your leadership and great positive relation with the students was a big help.
Mahalo to the B.H.S Hawaiian Education and Hula Kumu Hulali Silva for your hard work and support. Your Hawaiian language and hula students contributed to the imu's success.
Mahalo to Skippy Hau for your hard work and support. Your sharing of valuable life lessons with the students inspired them.
Mahalo to Bill Tsolis for your hard work and support. We appreciated the food you provided, especially the two homemade hot sauces to dip the kālua pig in.
Mahalo to Sunny Savage and your intern for donating many locally foraged and sourced ingredients to make a beautiful and delicious fresh salad. It is nice to have refreshing salad at imu meals. I loved how excited the students were to see the salad being made and to watch their faces light up when they ate it. Not often do I see students excited about salad, but they were excited about your salad.
Mahalo to Kumu Ikaika's wonderful mom, Monica Gouveia-Nakahashi, for your hard work and support. She helped organize the food preparation and get the food line efficient. Ikaika loves getting to do educational things with her. Having a kind person like Monica in a student's life can make a tremendous impact.
Mahalo to Theresa Thompson for donating enough fresh haupia to feed over 250 people. Your haupia was very popular.
Mahalo to Ko'ikuokalani Lum for your hard work and support. Your inspiring stories and manaʻo really helped to uplift the students to continue to do great things in school and life.
Mahalo to to Shelly Kalei Shelley Muneoka for your generous donation that helped to purchase many of the local ingredients for the imu workshop.
Mahalo to Kahele Dukelow, her brother, and her family for setting the foundation and keeping the B.H.S. imu tradition strong for us to be able to continue doing imu today at B.H.S.
Mahalo to the many other staff and community members for supporting and helping to make the imu workshop possible for the students.
→ UHMC Agriculture Pathway Day - Natural Resource Management

Advisor Ms. Medeiros takes a look at whatʻs underneath

NR Management student Miles returns to his summer intern job where he learned all about aquaponics.

2nd Stop...UHMCʻs Maui Food Innovation Center

3rd Stop...UHMCʻs Sustainable Science Management Program

Last Stop...UHMCʻs Agriculture Program. Students got to check out their greenhouse and eat some wasabi and sour-tasting weeds.
On the walk back to school we ran into a herd of deer crossing the road.