Podcasts » Baldwin Podcasts

Baldwin Podcasts

Baldwin High School Podcast: Waste Management
Episode 1
Topic: Waste Management Project at Baldwin
Where students discuss with community members (staff, faculty, etc.) their achievements from inception to outcome.
     ~ Produced by Michelle Cerizo & Elardo Andres Jr.     
     ~ Podcast Jingle by David Kuray
Episode 1 ~ Featuring Michelle Cerizo, Kailani Ibanez, Shane Albritton, & Gretchen Losano



Baldwin High School Podcast: Bathroom Vandalism

Episode 2: STEM Design Bathroom Vandalism Projects


Where students discuss with community members (staff, faculty, etc.) their achievements from inception to outcome.

Mrs. Roy's Intro to STEM class discuss their STEM design projects that dealt with solutions for vandalism in Baldwin's restrooms.
Click the link below to listen!



Baldwin High School Podcast: Yearbook Project

Episode 3: Yearbook
Where students discuss with community members (staff, faculty, etc.) their achievements from inception to outcome.
     ~ Produced by Michelle Cerizo & Elardo Andres Jr.          ~ Podcast Jingle by David Kuraya

Featuring Karisse Imai-Hirata

Click the link below to listen!
podcast crew



Baldwin High School Podcast: Student Voice

Episode 4

Click the link below to listen!