Jun Wu » Mr. Wu's Statistics and Probability Class

Mr. Wu's Statistics and Probability Class

Aloha! Welcome to Mr. Wu's Webpage on the Baldwin HS Website. I am the support teacher, specializing in math. I am National Board Certified and am licensed in both Secondary Math Education and Special Education. I have been teaching in Hawaii since the beginning of 2008. My office hour is on Mondays in room P6. My hobbies are travel, tennis, golf, and growing exotic fruits. I also really enjoy helping students learn math. Come talk story. 
If you need to contact me, please use my email [email protected], or call me at 808-727-3258.
If you are absent from class, please work on the Self-Paced lesson posted each and every day on our Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE3NTgwNzc4NDIx?cjc=5wrpgqh