Library » Research Resources

Research Resources

Free BHS Library databases accessible for all students!
Looking for information for your research? Visit our digital resources here!
  1. Username: baldwin
  2. Password: library!24
  3. Click on "High School" icon
  1. Username: baldwinhs
  2. Password: library
  1. Pick the best resource icon for History:
    1. History Research Center
    2. American History
    3. Issues & Controversies in History
    4. Modern World History
    5. Streaming Video Resource


Password: bears 

Gale in Context can be used for general subjects in high school, but can also be narrowed down to these specific topics. Click on the words to take you directly to the specific content area and type in the password "bears".

  1. Gale in Health & Wellness 
  2. Gale in Context: Biography
  3. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
  4. Gale in Context: Science


Looking for help in checking your grammar or need help citing? View our writing resources here!

Grammarly assists you in checking your documents and essays for spelling and grammatical and punctuation accuracy before turning your essays to your teacher. 
To use Grammarly, please follow these directions is a citation generator. It is simple and free website to help you cite your sources properly. 
  1. Create an account (Hint: Citefast will save your list of citations)
    1. Use your personal email address, NOT your school email address
  2. Click on the MLA or APA tab at the top 
  3. Choose the type of source you are citing (website/book/video/other)
  4. Copy and paste the link OR fill in any empty fields as much as possible
  5. Hit "save" and your citation will be added to your list
    1. You can also add annotations to your citations!
  6. To export your list, click on "copy/paste" button and paste your document 
    1. You may need to edit spacing and font according to your teacher or National History Day requirements. 
  7. You can have a different tab for different bibliographies
    1. Click the "+ Create a new bibliographies" on the right side
    2. Name your bibliography
    3. Choose your style 
    4. Hit create "Create Bibliography"
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