Library » Books & eBooks

Books & eBooks

Looking for a book? Visit our Online BHS Library Catalog
  1. Click on "Advanced Search." The default is to search for 237 schools -- you don't want that. Click on "change" then when the options box pops up, check off the box next to "Baldwin HS"
  2. Enter your search term (topic, title or author)
  3. Write down or take a picture of the shelf location and book title. Also, check to see whether or not the book is shown in green as "Available."
  4. Come to the Library, show the Librarian your shelf location and go pick up your book for checkout!

Looking for an eBook? Download the Sora app or go to


    1. User ID: Your Student ID number (10 digits)
    2. PIN or EZ Password: Month & day of your birth (4 digits)
    3. Begin your search
    1. User ID: Your Student ID number (10 digits)
    2. PIN or EZ Password: Month & day of your birth (4 digits)
    3. Begin your search
Interested in finding your next reading? Visit Goodreads
It is similar to Novelist Plus, but free to use on the internet if you sign up with an account.