Athletics » Spring Sports

Spring Sports

Please click on the link if you or your child is interested in participating in a SPRING SPORT 2024-25

(Spring Sports - Baseball, Golf, Judo, Softball, Surfing, Tennis, Track & Field, Boys Volleyball, Water Polo).

    • You must turn in all paperwork to the Athletic Trainers to be put on the tryout list and to start any type of workout (off-season, pre-season, in-season).
    • See below for the tryout dates.
Dates of the 2023-24 All-Sports meeting are as follows:
Spring Sports (Virtual only - please contact the coach and check your child's school gmail account for link to register)
-TBD (All Spring Sports)
-TBD (All Spring Sports)
-TBD (All Spring Sports)
*** 1 Parent/Guardian must attend an All-Sports meeting. If one or both parties fail to attend this mandatory meeting, the student will not be able to participate for that season

Spring Sports Tryout Dates (Subject to change)

Baseball (Varsity) - Craig Okita ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: Monday, February 3 - Wednesday, February 5

Tryout time: Monday - Wednesday (4:00 - 6:30 pm), BHS Batting Facility


Boys Golf - William Kapoi ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: February 3-5

Tryout time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm, Maui Lani Golf Course


Girls Golf - Shane Yamasaki ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: February 3-5

Tryout time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm, Maui Lani Golf Course


Judo - Doris Hatano ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 10

Tryout date: Feb 10-24

Tryout time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm, BHS Gym


Softball (Varsity) - Sanoe Kekahuna ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: February 3-4

Tryout time: February 3 (3:30 - 5:45 pm) & February 4 (3:00 - 5:45 pm), Baldwin Softball Field


Surf (Boys & Girls) - Jeff Smith ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: Wednesday, February 5

Tryout time: TBD, Waiehu Beach (Sand Piles).


Tennis (Boys & Girls) - Chris Hassen ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 10

Tryout date: February 10 - 14

Tryout time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm, Wells Park Tennis Courts


Boys Track and Field - Chayse Tamaki ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: Monday, February 3-4

Tryout time: 3:00 - 5:30 pm, TBD...Please see Coach Tamaki at his classroom)


Girls Track and Field - Christopher Kawaguchi ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 3

Tryout date: Monday, February 3-4

Tryout time: 3:00 - 5:30 pm, TBD...Please see Coach Tamaki at his classroom)


Volleyball (Boys) - TBD ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 10

Tryout date: February 10-12

Tryout time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm, BHS gym


Water Polo - Lauren Shinozuka ([email protected])

Start Date: Monday, February 10

Tryout date: February 10-13

Tryout time: 5:00 - 6:30, Sakamoto Pool