Spring Sports
Please click on the link if you or your child is interested in participating in a SPRING SPORT 2024-25
(Spring Sports - Baseball, Golf, Judo, Softball, Surfing, Tennis, Track & Field, Boys Volleyball, Water Polo).
- You must turn in all paperwork to the Athletic Trainers to be put on the tryout list and to start any type of workout (off-season, pre-season, in-season).
- See below for the tryout dates.
Spring Sports Tryout Dates (Subject to change)
Baseball (Varsity) - Craig Okita ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: Monday, February 3 - Wednesday, February 5
Tryout time: Monday - Wednesday (4:00 - 6:30 pm), BHS Batting Facility
Boys Golf - William Kapoi ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: February 3-5
Tryout time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm, Maui Lani Golf Course
Girls Golf - Shane Yamasaki ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: February 3-5
Tryout time: 3:00 - 6:00 pm, Maui Lani Golf Course
Judo - Doris Hatano ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 10
Tryout date: Feb 10-24
Tryout time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm, BHS Gym
Softball (Varsity) - Sanoe Kekahuna ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: February 3-4
Tryout time: February 3 (3:30 - 5:45 pm) & February 4 (3:00 - 5:45 pm), Baldwin Softball Field
Surf (Boys & Girls) - Jeff Smith ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: Wednesday, February 5
Tryout time: TBD, Waiehu Beach (Sand Piles).
Tennis (Boys & Girls) - Chris Hassen ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 10
Tryout date: February 10 - 14
Tryout time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm, Wells Park Tennis Courts
Boys Track and Field - Chayse Tamaki ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: Monday, February 3-4
Tryout time: 3:00 - 5:30 pm, TBD...Please see Coach Tamaki at his classroom)
Girls Track and Field - Christopher Kawaguchi ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 3
Tryout date: Monday, February 3-4
Tryout time: 3:00 - 5:30 pm, TBD...Please see Coach Tamaki at his classroom)
Volleyball (Boys) - TBD ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 10
Tryout date: February 10-12
Tryout time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm, BHS gym
Water Polo - Lauren Shinozuka ([email protected])
Start Date: Monday, February 10
Tryout date: February 10-13
Tryout time: 5:00 - 6:30, Sakamoto Pool